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UMass Lowell will resume on-campus instruction, research and campus life for Fall 2020. View the plan for more info.


The UMass Lowell Department of Computer Science offers degree programs leading to bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees that blend applied and theoretical aspects of computation, including a minor in robotics and options in bioinformatics. As you explore our website, please see our News for the latest accomplishments of our students and faculty, and please feel free to Contact Us with any questions about our programs!


  • Grace Chin
    Computer Science

    Great classes and research experience, a professional co-op and a cybersecurity competition are preparing Grace Chin for professional success.

  • Mark  Micire
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    Mark Micire’s unique work experience and education have been able to help people in their darkest hour. He designs robotics systems that help coordinate efforts at search and rescue sites.

  • YouTube免费加速器
    Computer Science, Atmospheric Science

    UMass Lowell gave Rich Hamel the education he needed to pursue his dream career: Storm Chaser

  • YouTube免费加速器
    Mathematics, Computer Science minor

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