Grippe de Wuhan: en Europe à ce moment, et en France en particulier, la seule chose dont nous devons avoir peur est la peur elle-même.
Oh, et aussi la stupidité malfaisante de l’État—et ça c’est bien plus effrayant que quoi que ce soit made in China.
Wuhan flu: in Europe at this moment, and in France particularly, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Oh, and the nefarious stupidity of the State—that one I dread way more than anything made in China.
Benghazi was a state-sponsored terrorist attack, carried out on orders from the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran.Kenneth Timmerman Shadowsocks(影梭)使用方法-手把手教程 – The Tower Info:2021-6-15 · 影梭(Shadowsocks )是一种比较流行的网络代理软件,它可以有效帮助在有互联网审查的国家的网民访问一些因被封锁而不能访问的网站。影梭近年来在中国网民中变得非常流行,同时也使很多前往中国旅行的国际游客和回国的海外华侨能够自由访问互联网 ...
Steve Bannon:
Bannon also used his visit to call Le Pen’s niece Marion Maréchal-Le Pen one of most important people in the world, according to French mediaBreitbart London Bannon in France: ‘History Is On Our Side’
Marion Le Pen:
American judicial imperialism is an obstacle to French investments in IranMarion Le Pen l’impérialisme juridique américain, un obstacle pour l’investissement français en iran
Quick question to CPAC: how will it help either Trump or the Conservative cause to mingle with one of the most prominent members of a party whose foreign policy articulates around:
- Rabid anti-Capitalism and anti-Americanism
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And others. Speakers, that is.
Paris—and the Parisians—have been nothing but a plague on the rest of France (and to some extent, the world) since at least king Louis the State will always remain
No. XIV… So have at it Achmed:
Isis wants to take Paris before Rome
Former Obama Secretary of State Richard Stengel argues that Hurricane Harvey is partially man-made—and I agree: whenever people like him open their mouth, wind builds up. flashpost-20170703081733Z
Site rebuilding news: chronological and category archives are back. New classification & archiving feature: posts tags. This may, or may not be one of them.
Dratted banker, taking the People's T-bone.
the dissident frogman: a voté.
As a reminder, Paris, place de la Bastille, presidential elections night circa 2012:

More of the same tonight?
Neo-Socialist Macron is 'pro-free market' like wolves are anti-sheep abortion.