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The mission of Lewis HS is to promote a safe and supportive learning environment that prepares lifelong learners for the challenges of the 21st century.


Every Lewis HS student will become a successful member of 21st century society with the positive mindset needed for success in a globally competitive world.


Dear Robert H. Lewis High School Community,


It is a privilege to serve the students, staff, parents, and community members of this school as your principal. I am thrilled to join you in the work to help our students pursue their dreams and become college and career ready when they leave our wonderful community.


My own educational experience drives me to serve and advocate for this population. I am a graduate of CDS Central High School, a place that accepted me as a disconnected adolescent and helped me grow into an adult who saw her future clearly. I know the strengths brought by students in this community, the dedication of the parents and other friends in this community, and the talent of the educators in this community. Lewis is a special place - a school that challenges students academically and supports their social-emotional growth. It is a school that knows that there are many roads to the one destination of a high school diploma, roads that will help our young people become responsible adults and caring citizens who contribute to their community and the world at large. Work at Lewis has been, and will continue to be, a team effort.


At Lewis, students are afforded a personalized learning environment that challenges them academically with a focus on the Common Core Standards and 21st Century Skills: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Cognitive Engagement. Through the use of inquiry-based learning, students will engage with rigorous content to understand their individual learning strengths and to join their peers in solving complex problems with real-world application.


Our talented educators and staff are dedicated to providing our students with both the academic challenge and a supportive experience that will help them grow into responsible, well-educated, empowered adults.


I believe in the power of this school community. I know firsthand the difference it can make in a young adult’s success. I want to hear your voices, concerns, triumphs, and celebrations. My door is always open. Please feel free to visit any time.




Rain Totten



The Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying.  For more information regarding nondiscrimination, click here.
