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All WDL content is translated into the 7 site languages prior to publication. All non-image URLs on the site use the first part of the URL path to select the language. Most of the examples below use /en/ but that can be replaced with any of the supported languages:

Code 熊猫加速器好用么
ar Arabic
en 熊猫加速器怎么使用
es Spanish
fr 熊猫加速器怎么使用
pt 熊猫加速器怎么使用
ru Russian
zh Chinese

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Please contact us with any questions or feedback

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The most recently published items are available as RSS and Atom syndication feeds:

A list of all item pages including the last update time is available in the standard XML Sitemap format:


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The standard OpenSearch protocol may be used to search the World Digital Library and retrieve results in an XML format.

Clients which support OpenSearch Description documents can be automatically configured:


Currently, the following endpoints are available using the standard parameter substitution rules:


pug你们都是用加速器还是那啥,有什么好的推荐么 ...:2021-2-4 · 用的熊猫没效果,那啥找了个节点也不理想,求推荐!拜谢,另求队友啊。ZhangJieGG pug你们都是用加速器还是那啥,有什么好的推荐么? ,A9VG电玩部落论坛 returns results in the suggestions format.

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All item detail pages use HTML5 Microdata using schema.org vocabulary to describe the metadata. Microdata libraries are available for most common programming languages; you might find these tools helpful for seeing the data present on each page:

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The following International Image Interoperability Framework APIs are in beta release and your feedback is welcomed:

Images 2.0

Item Page Example image reference
http://www.wdl.org/en/item/1/ 熊猫加速器_百度百科:熊猫加速器是一款专门针对网络游戏的加速产品,支持各类全球精彩游戏大作,满足千款游戏联机加速需求,减少延迟,还原真实的游戏体验。熊猫加速器PC客户端使用全新的节点智能匹配算法,更稳定可靠的传输通道,针对steam、origin、battlenet、PS和Xbox全球五大游戏联机平台进行优化,有效解决 ...
http://www.wdl.org/en/item/785/ http://content.wdl.org/iiif/785,20,13/info.json

Presentation 2.0

The manifest can be located by appending iiif/manifest to any item detail page or by using the “IIIF Manifest” link at the bottom of the page:

Item Detail Page Manifest URL
熊猫加速器下载 http://www.wdl.org/en/item/1/manifest
http://www.wdl.org/en/item/785/ 熊猫加速器讯:绝地求生迎来大更新_图文_百度文库:熊猫加速器讯:绝地求生迎来大更新_游戏_生活休闲。 8.2日绝地求生迎来一次较大更新,然而热度却一度下滑。 稳 定 的 游 戏 联 机 加 速 器 熊 猫 给 你 超 乎 想 象 的 流 畅 体 验 《绝地求生》迎来第 19 轮更新,你还在玩绝地求生么?

The default manifest link will redirect to either the JSON or JSON-LD endpoint based on the presence of a file-extension in the request and whether your client sent an HTTP 熊猫加速器怎么使用 header requesting application/ld+json. You may prefer to construct full URLs using the appropriate file extension to avoid content-negotiation:

Format Extension Example URL
熊猫加速器下载 .json http://www.wdl.org/en/item/1/iiif/manifest.json
JSON-LD .jsonld http://www.wdl.org/en/item/1/iiif/manifest.jsonld

The IIIF Mirador demonstration is known to work using these manifests.


All item metadata is available as METS XML. Each item detail page has a <link rel="alternate" type="application/mets+xml"> tag with the corresponding URL. If you are scripting ingest for a number of items, simply replace the / in the item URL with 熊猫加速器好用么:

Item Detail Page METS URL
熊猫加速器好用么 http://www.wdl.org/en/item/1.mets