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72 middle and high school students and 26 teachers from Atlanta, Gwinnett, and Clayton County Public School participated in STEAM Innovation Workshops at Georgia Tech during the spring and summer of 2020. The spring event consisted of five unique breakout workshops to engage students in STEAM activities taught first-hand from Georgia Tech faculty and community professionals. The summer teacher professional development consisted of a 3-week, interactive online professional development program for GoSTEAM teachers.
Making STEAM Education More Equitable and Accessible
The Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics & Computing (CEISMC) utilizes the resources and expertise of the Georgia Tech community to enhance K-12 education and to prepare students for college and careers in STEAM fields. One of the goals of CEISMC is to address the lack of equitable access to STEAM education and opportunities for many students today.
GoSTEAM at Georgia Tech Hosts First STEAM Innovation Workshop
Approximately 80 middle and high school students from Gwinnett County, Clayton County, and Atlanta Public Schools came to Georgia Tech to participate in the STEAM Innovation Workshop. The workshop consisted of three sessions focused on specific subjects: computer science and music technology, paper mechatronics, and engineering and robotics.
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The Center for Education Integrating Science Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC) at Georgia Tech is recruiting dynamic individuals for our 2019-2020 Innovators-in-Residence Cohort.