Apache Point Observatory
                  New Mexico, USA

                  Current APO Weather Information

                  This page contains latest weather data plots, satellite images, and forecasts. You may need to press [Reload] to refresh the images from the last time you visited this page. Forecasts and images are at bottom of page. For a live weather display, use the APO Weather Status page.



                  Light (whitish) pixels represent lack of clouds. Darker (blacker) pixels indicate heavier cloud obscuration. The data for these plots are from www.aviationweather.gov, specifically here.

                  Forecast for the Sacramento Mountains

                  蜂鸟ⅤPN软件 Raw Forecast




                  NOTES: Clicking on a plot will take you to the history for that plot. Time is TAI.

                  USFS RAWS Weather Station - COSMIC

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                  USFS RAWS Weather Station - Sacramento Peak Observatory

                  非法经营网络翻墙软件获利 兄弟俩领刑受罚-中国法院网:2021-4-4 · 2021年2月,曾某恒在一个网络游戏群里看到有人在招VPN网络加速器的销售代理。 在了解到VPN网络加速器具有观看国内外网站、连接国外服务器、隐藏更改IP地址等功能后,曾某恒顿时就对此产生了浓厚的兴趣,于是便主动与对方接触,最终成为了VPN网络加速器的销售代理。

                  If the above website is missing, your browser (Chrome/Safari Firefox) is blocking mixed active content (insecure traffic within this secure website).


                  If the above website is missing, your browser (免费vpm全球网络加速器 Firefox) is blocking mixed active content (insecure traffic within this secure website).

                  Weather links

                  Weather calculator

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                  The wind direction convention is that 0 degrees is a northly wind, 90 degrees is an easterly wind, 180 degrees is a southerly, and 270 degrees is a westerly wind.

                  Dust count is measured on the landing on the ARCSAT dome by a Lighthouse Remote 5014P, factory modified to sample 0.3μm particles. It works by drawing air through a tube into the counter, where photodiodes measure the occulation by dust particles of light from an infrared laser. The air pump draws 0.1 cubic foot of air per minute through the counter. The counter is automatically run for one minute every 15 minutes. Data is collected on the number of dust particles larger than 0.3 μm and the number of particles larger than 1.0 μm in the plots, these counts are plotted in units of particles per cubic foot of air. The data points for the >0.3 μm particles and the >1.0 μm particles have been divided by 10000 and 100 respectively in this plot. Here are a few more details:

                  DATA ARCHIVES: Weather · DIMM · IRSC.

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