跟四不像老师走一段麋鹿之旅_艺文志_中国环境:2021-8-12 · 2月23日,旧忠桥南,这个微风拂面的午后,络绎到来的“青睐”会员和已经在此等候的麋鹿苑宋苑部长像老朋友似的说笑间已集合齐整。各式座驾组成的车队在宋部长的带领下,打着双闪,一字长蛇阵开拔,在公路上拐进一段颠簸土路,再穿过一条狭长的林荫路,路转尽头忽见一道旧式的绿色铁栅栏 ...
About Scott Allie— Scott was my second editor on the Hellboy series at Dark Horse. He was only meant to be my temporary editor, just for the one comic (THE CORPSE) and a more senior editor was supposed to take over after that. But, as the story goes, he saved me from making a rather big mistake on that one comic and I requested that he stay on as my regular editor, and we ended up working together for something close to 25 years. From the earliest days I heard stories of his drunken behavior at conventions—stupid stuff like jumping fully clothed into fountains. It was joked about and I was not aware that there was anything at all more serious going on. The drunken incident in 2015 made it clear that there was a much more serious problem that needed to be dealt with. I spoke to him about it. Others spoke to him about it. He agreed that the drinking was a problem and we were all led to believe he was getting help for that. And to the best of my knowledge he DID get help for the drinking problem. Around this time I started to hear rumors of other past incidents—alcohol-fueled behavior that seemed limited to drunken, juvenile pranks. There was nothing specific and I never heard the names of any specific persons involved in these other incidents. I continued to write these off as just more of his stupid drunken episodes. I became aware that some people did not like working with Scott. While our working relationship had always been good I know his editorial style could be aggressive and off-putting and I honestly believed this, coupled with the past drinking problem, was the reason for the trouble. The truth of course is that after a very long and very productive working relationship I did not want to believe there was anything more to these stories. I was blind because I wanted to be blind and that’s on me and it’s something I have to live with. After the news about Cameron Stewart and Warren Ellis broke last week, Scott’s name started to bubble up on social media again. Until yesterday I had never heard about Scott’s assault of Shawna. I wish I had known. I understand there are many reasons why no one would approach me with something like that—the shame and embarrassment of course and, sadly the perception that Scott and I were good friends. Had I heard any of what I’ve heard in the last 24 hours I would have severed all contact with Scott Allie at once. But where there is smoke there is almost always fire and after a while there was so much smoke—clearly I had to finally take a hard look at the situation, had to contact some friends and associates, people who had been close to Scott and find out what had really been going on—and I was horrified but what I started to hear. I wish I had asked this questions much sooner. After so many years I wanted to give Scott the benefit of the doubt—as the son of an alcoholic I wanted to blame the booze. I was fooling myself and I will regret that forever. My heart goes out to all his victims. And Shawna—I have known Shawna almost as long as Scott and have always considered her a good friend-- and now to discover that she has been living with this all these years -- I am heartbroken. And of course I am furious at Scott and at myself for not realizing what was going on so much sooner. I’m writing this now because I need to address Scott's victims. Their stories need to be heard. They need to be believed. Comics need to do better. We all need to be more accountable. All companies need to have responsive HR departments. Companies need to recommend training about what to do when they hear about assault, harassment, or inappropriate behavior from co-workers or colleagues. As a creator I need to do better, I need to set a better example, both in the stories I tell and the people I choose to tell them with. M |
跟四不像老师走一段麋鹿之旅_艺文志_中国环境:2021-8-12 · 2月23日,旧忠桥南,这个微风拂面的午后,络绎到来的“青睐”会员和已经在此等候的麋鹿苑宋苑部长像老朋友似的说笑间已集合齐整。各式座驾组成的车队在宋部长的带领下,打着双闪,一字长蛇阵开拔,在公路上拐进一段颠簸土路,再穿过一条狭长的林荫路,路转尽头忽见一道旧式的绿色铁栅栏 ...
Mike's Body of work is firmly anchored in comic-book and literary traditions of Machen, Lovecraft, Toth, and Kirby. Yet was has been emerging from them is a species all its own.
Hellboy is a comic-book master-piece. With style, imagination, and a haunting simplicity, it creates a parallel universe of mystery and horror, which is unique in the medium. I have nothing but admiration for Mike Mignola and his cohorts. Hellboy restores my faith in the joy of comic books.
Hellboy is a gem, one of considerable size and a surprising luster. While it is obviously a gem that has been mined from that immeasurably rich seam first excavated by the late Jack Kirby, it is in the skillful cutting and the setting of the stone that we can see Mignola’s sharp contemporary sensibilities at work.
Mike Mignola is a master of the kind of dynamic impressionistic art that is influencing the rhythm of modern graphic storytelling.
The best horror comic in a generation. This Mignola guy is a wizard.