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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning


During the summer, CCTL are collaborating with academic and professional services colleagues to develop guides to flexible and inclusive teaching for the upcoming academic year, building on our current Teaching Remotely guidance.

The coming year poses some distinctive challenges, as we return to residential education which combines online and in-person teaching. CCTL's support is based on an understanding of education as a process which is both academic and social.

All CCTL programmes, workshops and events are expected to be held online during 2020-21. We'll largely be working from home during Michaelmas. As ever, if you have questions or would like to share ideas and practices, please get in touch.

You can also join the Cambridge conversation about remote teaching, and stay informed about upcoming events by subscribing to our newsletter.


Cambridge is renowned for the quality of our students' education and the creativity and commitment of our staff. The new Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning works with staff to enrich educational practice; funds innovation and encourages the exchange of ideas and methods; and is a focus for enhancement initiatives within the Collegiate University, nationally and internationally.



Read more at: Cambridge Teaching Forum


The Cambridge Teaching Forum is open to everyone who teaches or supports students’ learning across the University of Cambridge. It provides a stimulating environment for staff to learn about innovative approaches to higher education in Cambridge and to meet colleagues, share ideas and reflect on some of the hot topics in higher education.

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The Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund offers one-off grants to promote the educational enhancement activities of staff or students at the University of Cambridge, especially where a relatively small sum can support a creative, innovative or stategic project.


Read more at: The Pilkington Prize


The Pilkington Prize exists to recognise outstanding contributions to teaching and learning at Cambridge, and each year is awarded to twelve members of staff who have achieved excellence in the field of teaching.

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Stay informed of upcoming events and hear about innovative practices across the university by subscribing to our newsletter.

Check out the latest issue.



Extraordinary teaching in extraordinary times

19 June 2020

We were delighted in April to announce the 2020 winners of the Pilkington Prize . For obvious reasons, the planned Pilkington Prize celebration can't go ahead this summer. We are very much hoping that we'll be able to welcome this year's Prize Winners and next year's to a double celebration in 2021. In the meantime, the...

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Applications are now open for the Teaching Associates' Programme running over the 2020-21 academic year. This programme is designed for early-career academics and researchers (inluding postdoctoral researchers, early-career college lecturers, and PhD students) who teach Cambridge students, and will support you in extending...

Join the Remote Teaching, Learning & Assessment Discussion

26 May 2020

The Remote Teaching, Learning & Assessment Working Group has set up a new group on Yammer to act as a discussion board for all Cambridge staff involved in remote teaching, learning and assessment. We very much encourage you to join the group to engage with colleagues sharing questions, ideas and tools. It's easy to...