Matt Chamberlain
Assistant Principal Anna Malki
Assistant Principal bluelight翻墙
Office Manager
Karin Sloper
Angela Paradise 925-335-5816
Maureen French 925-335-5876
Assistant Principal's Office Christen Billecci 925-335-5873
Student Body Accounts
Deb Dawson
Technology Support
Rick Moore
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Ellen Coleman - Counselor blue lamp下载
Melissa Sackett - Counselor msackett@martinez.k12.ca.us
Martha Hummel - Counselor mhummel@martinez.k12.ca.us
Nadia Malliarys - School Psychologist mmalliarys@martinez.k12.ca.us
If you are having an Emergency please call 911. If you are in Crisis please call 211 for support and referrals. You can also text Home741741 and you will be connected to a counselor.
Here is the link to the VMHS Psychology Club Youtube channel. We do a mix of short mental health minute videos and longer interviews with community leaders about mental health topics. Please subscribe and share away! And let me know if you have any topics you would like us to cover - we are always open to suggestions!
To report safety concerns such as bullying, potential fights, alcohol/drug use or any other safety items of concern call 925-335-5888 or text 925-727-DONT. You can also submit a concern electronically CLICK THIS LINK
Martinez Unified School District celebrates the home languages of each of
our students. We recognize that families may need interpretation services
in order to access services and communicate with school district personnel. We can provide interpretation services when needed. Please
call Monifa Morgan (925-335-5966) should you require interpretation
El Distrito escolar unificado de Martínez celebra la variedad de idiomas
primarias de nuestros estudiantes. Reconocemos que algunas familias puedan
necesitar servicios de intérprete para tener acceso a los servicios y comunicarse con personal del distrito escolar. Podemos proveer servicios de intérprete cuando sea necesario. Favor de comunicarse con Monifa Morgan
(925-335-5966) si requiere servicios de intérprete.