A Guide to Basic Income: Frequently Asked Questions about UBI
Over the years I've been asked many questions about the idea of a basic income guarantee. Some are asked far more than others, and so I've made a point of writing various articles and blog posts to answer many of these questions. Whatever question you may have about basic income, please look below and see if there's a . . .
Posted in: faq
In February of 2020 I joined Mike Broihier's team for his U.S. Senate run in Kentucky as his senior policy advisor and was tasked with the design of his UBI plan. With the economic shutdown that soon followed as a result of the novel coronavirus pandemic, this plan also incorporated an emergency UBI into it as something different than . . .
In the third episode of the sixth season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia in 2010, the gang buys a boat. In this episode there's a scene between Mac and Dennis that provides a clear example of what is and isn't consent, and how full consent does not truly exist as long as someone is afraid that saying no to someone . . .
A Day in My Life in 2040
Recently I was asked to visualize a day in my life twenty years from now in 2040, with the assumption that we made the right decisions as a society and life is much better because of it, not just for me, but for everyone. What is a day like? I'd like to share with you my future day, but first I want to preface it with a quick rethinking . . .
A frequently asked question in response to universal basic income that comes mostly in response from conservatives is some variation of, "Why don't we just tax people less if we want them to have more money?" It's an entirely fair question to ask, especially if you're paying more than $12,000 per year in taxes, . . .
My #TestifyForUBI Testimony for Congress
The following is the testimony I wrote and recorded on video for Congress on May 18 as part of the #TestifyForUBI campaign. If you would like to take part too, please visit 坚果加速器安卓系统 and fill out the application form. Please also follow @TestifyForUBI on Twitter for updates.
My name is Scott Santens and I’m the . . .
My Raconteur Interview About UBI
Published on May 10, 2020
I was interviewed last month for an article published on May 10 for Raconteur, titled "Virus fallout could usher in the UBI era." The author, Oliver Pickup, asked me a series of questions, and from my answers, a few quotes were selected for the article. Below are all my answers in their entirety.
Briefly, is . . .