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Celebrity Cruises Committed to
Keeping the Galápagos Wild
Royal Caribbean
Hurricane Dorian
Relief Efforts
Royal Caribbean
Ocean & Wildlife
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Click an icon below to find out more about how Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is taking action.
RCL funds and operates a free
elementary school in Haiti
serving 325+
children annually.
Quality Education
Learn about RCL’s Education Initiatives:
The Importance of Education
RCL has been named one of
America’s Best Employers
for Diversity.
Learn about how RCL promotes gender equality:
Diversity and Inclusion
Empowering Women in a Male-Dominated Industry
RCL ships are equipped with
water treatment plants
designed to be
twice as stringent as
U.S. standards.
Learn about RCL’s clean water and sanitation efforts in Haiti:
Not Just a Destination, Our Community
RCL’s wind farm project generates 760,000-megawatt hours per year to
directly offset approximately half a million tons of CO2
each year.
Affordable and Clean Energy
Learn about how RCL designs ships to be more efficient:
RCL promotes
sustainable tourism
that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products while being committed to its
Human Rights Statement.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Learn about how RCL promotes sustainable tourism:
Destination Stewardship
Sustainable Tourism
Using centralized data points
in the tens of thousands,
RCL has been able to reduce its fuel usage by 4%.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Learn the ways RCL is innovating:
Design and Innovation
RCL has scored 100%
on the Corporate Equality Index
by the Human Rights Campaign.
Reduced Inequalities
Learn how RCL promotes equal opportunity:
Diversity and Inclusion
Empowering Women in a Male-Dominated Industry
RCL offers 1,500 GSTC sustainable tours
to its guests.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Learn how RCL supports sustainable tourism development:
Destination Stewardship
Sustainable Tourism
Keeping the Galápagos Wild
Exploring the World Sustainably
of the RCL fleet
is equipped to be
landfill free.
Responsible Consumption and Production
Learn how RCL sources commodities sustainably and promotes waste reduction:
Seastainability at RCL
A Journey to Zero Waste
Sustainable Seafood on Every Plate
RCL has achieved a
35% reduction in their emissions
from their 2005 baseline.
Climate Action
Learn how RCL is tackling climate change:
Leading the Way in Change
Design and Innovation
RCL employees have planted 1,000+ corals
through the University of Miami’s Rescue-a-Reef program.
Learn how RCL is protecting life below water:
Seastainability at RCL
Ocean Conservation
Guests sailing to the Galápagos Islands aboard Celebrity Cruises have
planted close to 50,000 Scalesia trees in support of reforestation efforts on the islands.
Life on Land
Learn how RCL is committed to protecting life on land:
Destination Stewardship
Sustainable Tourism
Keeping the Galápagos Wild
RCL has been named
one of Ethisphere’s
Most Ethical Companies
for five years in a row.
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
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RCL has a partnership with
World Wildlife Fund to
support healthy oceans and develop sustainability targets.
Partnership for the Goals
Learn about RCL’s partnerships:
Sustainable Tourism
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at RCL
Being a Good
Leading the Way
in Change
We Are RCL
Design and
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