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Greek Peak Ski Patrol Mission Statement, · Founder CEB 2.50U kⅰ a? ? ?@ ]? "褍)H铬梛(?g徚呟& ?諈??nq蕐wW侒'蠰 O冣骢↖Mk坶腼jN尮堹 D?孙 G 堏?~???侐腼q髾 {?錤旀踫F?靲!
by providing exceptional educational services
so that the membership can deliver emergency
care and promote skiing safety.” · Founder CEB 2.50U kix (y 詘 鋢 @ $y "褍)H铬梛#?w捞嵓 ?冬?纁&`萡gG蟋 筩 W掯代羉@~嗜书fE嵮机?:?茈 )糓?裂? 浠 δD N?Ac蘍vz鈊 \ 玿d :纡鴎t馃 ...
Patrol Leader,
Spence “Beaver” Blomfield-Brown
Assistant Patrol Leaders:
Elizabeth Birch
John Doll
Charlie Duffy
Mitch Kline
Matt Lee
Appointed Positions:
Larry Close, Treasurer
Kim Snow, Secretary
Susanna Stumpe, Web Admin
Marc Goebel, Web Admin
Recruiting @ Greek Peak Ski Patrol
We’re always on the lookout for strong skiers, telemark, and snowboarders to join our team. Please visit our Join the Ski Patrol page on this site for more information.
“If you want to ski with the crowds,
…buy a lift-ticket.
If you want to ski with the Pros,
…join the Ski Patrol.”