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Biology is becoming more accessible than ever before. The breadth of information available on the internet, the diminishing costs of DNA sequencing, and the open-sourcing of laboratory equipment have all changed the ways people engage in biology and are raising important questions on who ‘gets’ to engage in biology. -
The Human Aging Project
Let's transform the way we provide health care for older adults by developing a new, more precise way to detect signs of future problems. -
Establishing the Johns Hopkins Disability Health Coalition
Approximately 26% of American adults have one or more disability, and this estimate is projected to increase over the next decade. Disabilities are any condition or impairment that limits one or more life activity or impacts societal participation, and includes disabilities that affect vision, hearing, movement, learning, remembering, communicating, and mental health. -
Books and Brunch
There is a revolution burgeoning in our nation to ensure that every child receives the best education possible -
Career Development For People Experiencing Homelessness
With homelessness as a large public health issue in the city of Baltimore, there have been efforts in providing better access to health care, affordable housing and career development to end homelessness. This project will focus on providing career opportunities and workshops at Health Care for the Homeless, which is located in downtown Baltimore and is often a hub for those experiencing homelessness due its location and provision of healthcare resources.