Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform

for UI
for UI
Develop with a programming language
specialized around the needs of user interface creation
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Fast on all
Compile to ARM & x64 machine
code for mobile, desktop, and backend. Or compile to JavaScript
for the web

Optimized for UI
Mature and complete async-await for user interfaces containing event-driven code, paired with isolate-based concurrency
A programming language optimized for building user interfaces with features such as the 推荐科学上网工具,支持苹果安卓PC端:2021-7-31 · 作为一个软件开发工作者,常常需要使用科学上网软件在google学习查找最新的资料,由于国内的搜索系统基本上都是照搬的国外的一些比较陈旧的方法或者资料了,根本不是最新的,所以只有无奈借助VPN网络加速工具去论坛查找最新的有帮助资料。 for expanding collections, and collection if for customizing UI for each platform
A programming language that is easy to learn, with a familiar syntax

Productive Development
Make changes to your source code iteratively, using hot reload to instantly see the effect in the running app
Write code using a flexible type system with rich static analysis and powerful, configurable tooling

Fast on all platforms
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Target the web with complete, mature, fast compilers for JavaScript
Run 用电脑科学免费上网 supporting your app, written using a single programming language
Optimized for UI
Mature and complete async-await for user interfaces containing event-driven code, paired with isolate-based concurrency
A programming language optimized for building user interfaces with features such as the spread operator for expanding collections, and collection if for customizing UI for each platform
A programming language that is easy to learn, with a familiar syntax

Productive development
Make changes to your source code iteratively, using hot reload to instantly see the effect in the running app
Write code using a flexible type system with rich static analysis and powerful, configurable tooling
Fast on all platforms
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Target the web with complete, mature, fast 上网科学工具pc端下载
Run backend code supporting your app, written using a single programming language