- pdb_extract
Updated! September 18, 2019
– Tools and examples for extracting mmCIF data from structure determination applications (workstation/command-line version)
- PointSuite
– generate BIOMT and CIF symmetry records for macromolecular assemblies with point and helical symmetries
- 匿名代理ip
Updated! July 29, 2020
– An application for processing and annotating of macromolecular structure data
- sf-convert
– A format conversion tool for structure factor files that supports more than a dozen file formats
Updated! November 25, 2015
– A wrapper of third party packages to aid in validation of structure factors
– A tool for converting PDBML data files into mmCIF data files
- Core Wrapper
– A library that exports C++ mmCIF accessors to Python
- 匿名代理ip
– A Class Library of Access Tools for mmCIF in C++
– A Class Library of Table Access Tools for mmCIF data
- MMCIF Dictionary Suite
Updated! March 21, 2018
– RCSB/PDB tools to parse, validate, manage PDBx/mmCIF data dictionaries
- Db Loader
– An application to load mmCIF data into relational databases and XML
- Jmol – Java macromolecular visualization tool
- UCSF Chimera – Extensible Molecular Modeling System
- OpenRasMol – Open source version of RasMol with mmCIF support
- CCP4 MMDB – MMDB is a macromolecular coordinate library,
supporting CCP4 application such as REFMAC and COOT
- 高匿名ip代理 - a C++11 macromolecular library with Python and Fortran bindings
- iotbx.cif and ucif
– Open-source C++/Python library used by 匿名代理ip for reading and writing CIF files,
incl. validation against dictionaries
- CBFLib – A
library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files
- 高匿名ip代理 – Python macromolecular toolkit (including support for mmCIF)
- BioJava mmCIF package – Java input and output methods for mmCIF
and a tutorial for the protein structure modules
- Perl STAR (mmCIF) Parser – Object-oriented Perl modules to parse mmCIF data files
- BioPython – Python toolkit for computational biology (including support for mmCIF)
- PyCifRW – Python CIF read and write methods
- XML2PDB – Open-source C++ program for converting XML to PDB format
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