I love all kinds of papercrafting projects and that includes wood decor projects too! I found these hexagon shaped wood blocks and thought it would be fun to paint and cover them with paper using Doodlebug’s Summer Collection Bar-B-Cute and the Alex alphabet Doodle Cuts. I have six blocks, so just enough to spell the word SUMMER. And if this project looks at all intimidating, it really isnt! It actually came together quite easily.
I traced and cut a few layers of coordinating paper for each block as well as die cut my letters in black, then chose some stickers to match my paper. Here is how I layered my paper and stickers and arranged the letters.
Next I painted each block a different color to match the paper I was using. I used basic acrylic paint that you can find at any craft store including red, green, yellow, white and two different colors of blue. Once the paint was dry I glued my first paper layer to the block.

Once my first layer was glued and completely dry I added the other layers and letters. I used foam tape behind the scalloped circle for a little dimesion. This is how the finish project looks:

Hexagons are a fun shape with lots of options for arrangement. The best part is I have a pop of bright Summery color to add to my space and preserve this cute collection for years to come!

One last thought I wanted to add, if you aren't necessarily into painting wood, you could always make a banner in a similar way, no wood required! I happen to love banners for all the Seasons and Holidays but that’s a project for another day! Thanks for stopping by, have great day!
Doodlebug Products Used:
Bar B Cute Collection
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Love You More Shape Sprinkles
Alex Alphabet Doodle Cuts
Circle Dies
Foam Tape
Wood Blocks
Acrylic Paint & Wood Glue