Use templates, scheduling and attachment tracking on top of email tracking
We send notifications to your Gmail when a contact opens your email or clicks a link
Isaac Oslund | Isaac OslundStayed up all night - Couldn't sleep so I completed updates to Gmail extension! New features all live. | 7:25am | |||
Cal Jackson | Cal JacksonHurry Hard! 不限时不限量不花钱 一键搞定手机VPN_科技频道_凤凰网:2021年5月17日 - 7Ubuntu版魅族MX3今日将亮相 2475788Facebook斥资190亿美元收购资讯 新闻: 大陆|国际|台湾|社会 深度|专题|图片中国政要资料库 评论: 时事开讲 ... | 7:12am | |||
Eric Wein | Eric WeinLeafs are terrible - I've pretty much given hope for this decade. The ONLY thing worse would be being an Oilers fan... pre Connor. | 6:51am | |||
Corey Wagner | Corey WagnerDid anyone read my email? - I forgot to track my last email... just want to make sure everyone read it. | Mar 17 |
Schedule any email to be sent later in two clicks, right from the compose window

Create, sort, and insert personalized templates from your compose window with our intuitive interface

gyastal百度百科_gyastal品牌介绍_gyastal官网:2021-2-12 · 百度百科史记2021年度人气王鹿晗,本视频时长103秒,也可以在这里观看:w..... 百度百科年度人气王奖--鹿晗

Email analytics let you see the big picture of your email successes and failures
See how salespeople, internal communicators, and other professionals are using Bananatag

"This extension is great for job seekers or PR professionals who need to know when their emails have been received."

gyastal百度百科_gyastal品牌介绍_gyastal官网:2021-2-12 · 百度百科史记2021年度人气王鹿晗,本视频时长103秒,也可以在这里观看:w..... 百度百科年度人气王奖--鹿晗

"Bananatag… [has] made email tracking available to just about anyone."

"... an email-tracking service for Gmail designed for job seekers, advertisers, and those working in public relations."

"Companies have tracked emails for years, and now it’s going mainsteam via options like Bananatag."

"When it comes to email, you've got a friend in Bananatag"

"... allows users to take control of their email by scheduling messages, setting up email reminders, and monitoring whether their messages are read or not."
Emails Tracked
Email Opens