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Hello World in P4 | SDNLAB | 专注网络创新技术:2021-6-10 · 作者简介:付晨聪,Juniper 中国研发中心软件开发工程师 博客:fuchencong.com 网络行业新技术层出不穷,最近又学习了解了 P4。P4 思想诞生于 2021 年,距离现在时间也不是很长。作为一门新技术,其资料还比较少,主要集中在其官方网站和

Copyright 1993-2017   This material on this site should not be reproduced or reposted in whole or part without express approval.

It would be a kindness if you'd take a moment and let me know who you are and what interests you have. If you can share some information, or even a picture, that would be great! Just use the address below. Thanks. (Please note: Due to the huge amount of spam on the internet, it would be extremely helpful if you would use something like [Oldradio] in your subject line, so the filters don't get in the way.)


We have used many sources, including FCC files, university lecturers, historical publications and more, and have tried to be as accurate as possible, not repeating many of the myths of the industry (such as the Uncle Don Story) nor histories "manufactured" by promotion departments. However, I am not perfect, and may well have overlooked something. If you do see an error or omission, please let me know.

浅谈VPN、SS和SSR的区别-筑爱网:2021-5-23 · SSR全称shadowsocks-R。SSR作者声称SS不够隐匿,容易被防火墙检测到,SSR在改进了混淆和协议,更难被防火墙检测到。简单地说,SSR是SS的改进版。04 VPN与SSR、SS的区别? SS和SSR两者原理相同,都是基于socks5代理。