Music Monday is a meme, created by Drew at The Tattooed Book Geek, where I focus on a song I absolutely love and feel needs to be shared.

Music Monday is a meme, created by Drew at The Tattooed Book Geek, where I focus on a song I absolutely love and feel needs to be shared.
Please visit Ari Speaks Out to like the original post and follow for more content!
What about your friends, will they stand their ground, will they let you down again? What about your friends, are they gonna be lowdown, will they ever be around, or will they turn their backs on you?
What About Your Friends? – TLC
Friendships, like any relationship, needs two people to work on keeping it going. When one person is giving their all, and the other person is just taking what is being given to them, it can make the relationship one-sided. We have all had moments playing both parts, so how should we fix it?
One thing we should do is sit down and tell your friends what you need to make the friendship work. How will your friends know what you need if you are not expressing them? The next thing is setting your boundaries. You have the right to tell your friends what you will or…
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Please visit Nevrmissabeat to like the original post and follow for more content!
I try my best to be very conscious of what I put in and on my body. With that said, I want to share four of many Black-owned personal care brands I love and use that you can buy & support too.
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Longing for touch and
touching, feeling, pressing,
The feeling of skin on skin,
body heat transmitting and melding in
majestic intimacy.
Lust leads to
surrogate sources of climax.
Thirst remains,
gratification delayed to
flow forth again.
by Erik Shinker
Please visit Didi Aphra to like the original post and follow for more content!
All the films and novels of dark academia revolves around a group of guys and maybe a girl or two who are minor characters. Dead Poet’s Society, The Goldfinch, The Secret History, Kill Your Darlings all revolve around males. The only female-led dark academia film is Mona Lisa Smile. [edit: since I wrote this post, I’ve watched a few more female-led dark academia films such as Picnic at Hanging Rock and Mary Shelley]. We need to see more women in dark academia! Not just as minor characters or the ‘girlfriend’ or ‘wife’—not that there’s anything wrong with that—but as their own people. A female in relation to the world or another female instead of a female in relation to a male.
I want to see messy-haired girls, long-haired girls or girls with wavy, chopped bobs. Crimson-stained lips or pale lips, dark eyes with a galaxy…
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Music Monday is a meme, created by Drew at shadowrocket下载, where I focus on a song I absolutely love and feel needs to be shared.
Continue reading “Music Monday: “A Song for the Deaf” by Queens of the Stone Age”
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There are periods in my life when depression takes things away from me. Sometimes it’s a small monster. Sometimes it grows into an uncontrollable force that overshadows my life.
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She is celestial,
a fixed point of light
placed in the ether to guide.
A glimmer of hope in the void.
One piece inside
a constellation of eternal splendor,
she is luminescent.
With my Skyward traveler,
I send my love,
ad astra.
by Erik Shinker
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The name is Shellynne. It literally sounds the way it is spelled. Shel – lin. It is two syllables and there is no A. The number of ways my name has been pronounced is probably the only thing that surpasses the number of nationalities people have assumed I represent. Let’s get that one out of the way now. I am American. If people ask me where I’m from, I say Los Angeles. When they ask where my parents are from I say Los Angeles. I think the most recent immigrant in my family was my great-great grandmother who emigrated from Germany.
The most tenacious people usually change tactics after I tell them my parents are from Los Angeles. Then they switch to “where does Shellynne come from?” I tell them it’s made up. Sometimes I share the story of how I’m named after my father’s friend and her parents made…
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