
This image comes from Anh Le, a PhD student in Laura Machesky’s lab. It is a temporal-colour image of a COS-7 cell expressing a mCherry-tagged RAB5A construct – an early endosome marker. The cells are plated on a fibronectin-coated dish and then imaged every 9 seconds for a total of 7 minutes using a super-resolution microscope system. A temporal colour code was applied to visualise the dynamic of these vesicles. Each shade of yellow represents a particular point in time for each of the vesicles. The overall back-and-forth movement of the vesicles gives an overall effect of an explosion of colours. The image won the Scottish Microscopy Society Summer 2020 imaging competition.
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Science and Art – the not so odd couple?
Posted by Sophie Morgani, on 31 July 2020

Posted by 网页加速器, on 29 July 2020

高校教师面试常见问题集_百度文库:2021-6-20 · 25.请你描述青春期男女学生的心理特点? 【参考答案】:青少年步入青春期,心理发育迅猛,心理特点体现在: 第 1、性意识骤然增长由于生理上出现性发育加速,使得青少年对性知识特别感兴趣,对异性有强烈的交往欲望,性的好奇 感和神秘感与日俱增。
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Take this quick X-Ray Microscopy Usage Survey!
Posted by Georgina Fletcher, on 17 July 2020
Take part in online poll to gauge use of technique and identify opportunities to expand its application The use of X-ray microscopy techniques is well established in many scientific and engineering disciplines but not all have “seen the light”. The X-ray Microscopy Focussed Interest Group (X-ray FIG) of the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) would like怎么在pc上使用chrome
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