Columbia University and representatives of the United Auto Workers agreed in November 2018 upon principles to guide negotiations toward collective bargaining agreements on wages, hours, and other working conditions.
The University maintains two websites with information regarding the negotiations: this one, on GWC-UAW, the union for doctoral student research and teaching assistants, and another regarding CPW-UAW, the union for associate research scientists/scholars and postdocs.

Productive negotiations are characterized by transparency and by both parties’ good-faith commitment to the time consuming and complicated work required to reach an initial collective bargaining agreement.

The University’s respective bargaining committees stand ready to engage the process in this manner and to reach agreement as expeditiously as possible.

Our principal goal is to ensure that every Columbia doctoral student can achieve the highest levels of intellectual accomplishment and personal fulfillment.

The Framework Agreement for bargaining makes clear that academic judgments in service of our educational and research mission shall remain the prerogative of the University.
April 2, 2020
March 10, 2020
March 2, 2020
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The Union conditionally agreed to the University’s Workweek proposal.
The University presented revised proposals on Workweek and Appointments.
The Union presented revised proposals on Job Posting and Discipline and Discharge.
The University and the Union reached a tentative agreement on Health and Safety.
The Union presented revised proposals on Vacation, Leaves, Workload, and International Student Worker Rights. The University presented a revised proposal on Health and Safety. Both Parties presented proposals on Union Activity and Access.
The Union proposes full funding or guaranteed appointments for seven years for all doctoral Student Employees in all programs and minimum appointments for one year for all other Student Employees. The University’s position is that each school of the University must maintain its discretion to determine levels of guaranteed funding for doctoral students at the time of their admission.
The Union proposes establishing minimum annual stipend/salary rates of $43,500 to $48,000 for all doctoral student employees and an 8 percent pay increase for all student employees already compensated above these minimums. The University proposes that it will bargain on a permissive basis over the total support—salary and stipend—provided by each academic unit to doctoral students who hold an appointment during the first year of the contract and negotiate a minimum percentage increase of total support to doctoral students who hold an appointment during the second and third years of the contract.
In addition to the waiver of all tuition for doctoral student employees, the Union proposal requires the University to waive 50% of tuition costs for all non-doctoral graduate student employees and all fees for all student employees—doctoral, masters, and undergraduate students—during their employment.
The Union proposes that student employees who are salaried shall be entitled to twelve weeks of leave at regular pay with all benefits and appointments retained and extended, and that all student employees shall be provided with not less than ten business days of sick leave per illness. The University proposal reiterates that leaves available to students shall not be impacted by the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
The Union proposes that all student employees shall be required as a condition of employment to either join the Union and pay dues or pay agency fees, and that student employees who fail to pay dues or agency fees shall be terminated. The University proposes that Student Employees appointed to a position covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement may elect to join the Union and pay dues.
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