Sparkle is an interactive ecosystem for the creation and consumption of global communication solutions. A platform in constant evolution that provides a communication infrastructure for the interaction between internal and external developers and global and local partners. Sparkle sets governance conditions for the interaction of five communities (IP&Data, Cloud & Data Center, Corporate, Mobile, Voice). Each Sparkle global service platform's purpose is to create matches and facilitate the exchange of services, thereby enabling value creation for all.
Search for keywords like cities, platforms, press.
27 July 2020
Panda Dome VPN评测—最适合torrent下载的翻墙工具 - 潘 ...:2021-5-19 · Panda Dome VPN是近几年才上市的一款翻墙软件,但是其公司则早在1990年开始就已经成立了,最初销售的是Panda Antivirus杀毒软件,直到现在为止,Panda Antivirus仍然是市场上功能最完善的防病毒软件之一。
The new interactive tool is online from today on tisparkle.com
13 July 2020
Rome / Hanover