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A division of GW Libraries and Academic Innovation, the Center for Undergraduate Fellowships & Research (CUFR) provides GW undergraduates and alumni with information, guidance, and support as they learn about and apply for research opportunities and national fellowship competitions. Learning about and applying for undergraduate fellowships and research awards can be a great complement to academic and extracurricular experiences at GW and can be a learning experience in its own right.
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科学上网,自建VPS-SS应用 | LXiHa`Notes:2021-9-28 · 最近因为需求想自己搭建一个VPS加SS应用。用的是Vultr这个平台。 唉…这东西的教程已经是满大街都是了,我就不重复造轮子了,现在的轮子还没有失效。
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Vultr 搭建 SS | 9935:2021-5-26 · 进入 Vultr 官网正常注册,然后通过邮箱激活账号。 这里特别说明一下,你可以上网上找一些优惠活动,比如下面这个: 注册后充值 $10 送 $25 活动(不保证长期有效) 充值支持支付宝,所以购买 …
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National fellowships are competitive awards that provide remarkable experiences and support for students interested in study abroad, graduate study, careers in public service, international affairs, teaching, scientific research, engineering, journalism and a host of other fields.