
Global Health Research Associate
Bianca Jackson supports research, technical assistance, and evaluation activities. She has knowledge and expertise in public health research, monitoring and evaluation, and project management. She previously worked as a Research Associate at the Institute for International Programs (IIP) within Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. There, she worked on the Real Accountability: Data Analysis for Results (RADAR) Project and the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) Project. Both projects related to the development, testing and refinement of tools to facilitate the use of rigorous approaches for evaluation of reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health and nutrition programs.
Bianca Jackson holds a Master of Science in Public Health degree in Global Disease Epidemiology and Control, with a Certificate in Vaccine Science and Policy from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology from the University of Victoria, Canada.
Nonprofit Management and Resource Mobilization Leader
Chris has delivered more than 30 years of superior nonprofit management and philanthropy leadership through organizations as varied as foundations led by two former U.S. presidents; prosocial organizations improving global health and livelihood development; a social justice NGO proving the value of cash versus in-kind aid for the extreme poor; the world’s largest conservation organization; and more. In the first half of his career he designed and executed successful capital campaigns for an array of cultural institutions. Through consulting engagements he is now committed to combating climate change; protecting democracy and a free press; and improving equity, health, and economic opportunity around the globe.
Lecturer, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Australia
Research Fellow, National Primary Health Care Development Agency, Nigeria
Seye Abimbola is a medically qualified public health specialist with expertise in health policy and systems research. He has worked as both a health care provider and researcher primarily in low- and middle-income countries. He is a Research Fellow at the National Primary Health Care Development Agency in Abuja, Nigeria where he works on health and community systems strengthening, as well as a Lecturer in International Public Health at the University of Sydney. His research interests are in developing and testing conceptual tools and analytical approaches to understand and strengthen health system governance in low- and middle-income countries, with special interest in primary health care. Seye is also the Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Global Health.
Seye holds an MBChB in Medicine and Surgery from Obafemi Awolowo University, an MPhil from the University of Sydney in Public Health (Epidemiology), and a PhD from the University of Sydney in Health Policy and Systems.
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YJ Choi is a demographer with strong interest and extensive experience in interpretation and translation of research and data for various audiences. She has methodological expertise in household and health facility surveys, and monitoring and evaluation; and subject expertise in health information systems, family planning and reproductive health, and child and neonatal survival. Dr. Choi was formerly the Deputy Director for PMA2020 and Senior Technical Advisor for Population and Metrics at USAID. She earned her DrPH from Johns Hopkins University.
Co-founder & President, GlobalGiving
President, Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Mari Kuraishi, the co-founder and president of GlobalGiving, is the President of the Jessie Ball duPont Fund. Prior to co-founding GlobalGiving, Kuraishi led the Corporate Strategy Group at the World Bank where she was responsible for setting corporate priorities and engendering business innovation for an international financial institution dedicated to fighting poverty worldwide; and was the country anchor and officer for the bank’s Russia program, where she coordinated a sovereign lending program at its Washington, D.C., headquarters. She is chair of the board of directors for GuideStar, USA; chair of the board of directors for DataKind; chair of the board of directors for APOPO US; and a member of the board of advisors for the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University. Mari earned her bachelor’s degree in Modern European History and master’s degree in Russian Studies from Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Professor emerita, Emory University
Professor emerita Dr. Sibley is a certified Nurse Midwife and Medical Anthropologist, with a more than 20 year career at Emory University. She has focused on advancing midwifery education and improving care delivery and health outcomes for mothers and newborns around the world. During her career, Dr. Sibley has developed and tested community-based strategies to reduce maternal and newborn morbidity in developing countries.
Senior Fellow, Center For Global Development; Board President
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He was formerly a Senior Fellow at the Center For Global Development, where he worked on issues of aid effectiveness and health policy. At the center, Savedoff played a leading role in the Evaluation Gap Initiative and co-authored Cash On Delivery Aid with Nancy Birdsall.
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As a senior partner at Social Insight, Savedoff worked for clients including The National Institutes Of Health, Transparency International, and The World Bank.
Founder and Principal, Databoom
Dr. Kim Longfield is the founder of Databoom, a research and communication agency that believes powerful insights can shape the world. Databoom provides research counsel for organizations that want to push development boundaries and accelerate impact.
Kim’s areas of expertise include translating evidence into practice, stakeholder engagement, strategic advising and communications, resource planning, and research studies fit for purpose. She has worked in social marketing, behavior change, social franchising, and market and health systems strengthening. Her research has focused on HIV/AIDS prevention, reproductive health and family planning, safe abortion, maternal and child health, malaria, tuberculosis, non-communicable diseases, gender empowerment, and governance.
Prior to founding Databoom, Kim served as Director of Strategic Research and Evaluation at Population Services International, a global health nonprofit with $600 million in annual revenues and offices in more than 60 countries around the world. Kim has a PhD in Sociology and International Health and a MPH in International Health/Health Communication and Education, both from the Tulane University. She is based in Washington, DC.
At the IKEA Foundation, Steven Chapman is the Head of Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation. He holds a PhD in population dynamics, and was previously responsible for the health and climate change grant portfolio at CIFF, and the Chief Conservation Officer at the World Wildlife Fund in the United States. Prior to WWF, he served as the Research Director and Chief Technical Officer at Population Services International, leading research, development and learning for social marketing and behavior change interventions for health programs in nearly 70 LMICs.
Dr. Chapman has also worked at the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research in health systems and technology assessment, Marie Stopes International in reproductive health service delivery, and in the Peace Corps in agricultural market development in Togo.
Professor and Associate Dean at the James P. Grant School Of Public Health, BRAC
Dr. Sarker serves as a Professor and Associate Dean at BRAC University. She has held positions as a community-based reproductive health programmer at the Marie Stopes Clinic Society, BRAC health program Consultant and Zonal Health Manager, and Researcher and Senior Lecturer at the University of Heidelberg.
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Dr. Sarker is a Bangladeshi physician with a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) from Harvard University and a PhD in Public Health from University of Heidelberg, Germany. She has been a Population Council Fellow and Fogarty Fellow at the University of Alabama, USA.
CEO and Founder
Dominic’s guidance of Metrics for Management’s mission and approach draws on years of diverse experience in LMICs that includes both academic research and management of development INGO health initiatives. Dominic’s work is focused on the private delivery of health services in developing countries and on measuring and improving health service quality for maternal and reproductive services. He has worked and taught in over 30 countries around the world.
In addition to his role as M4M CEO, Dominic is a Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of UCSF. His current research projects are focused on maternal and neonatal health and social and reproductive health quality in a range of public and private facilities in Kenya and Uttar Pradesh, India.
Click 云梯更科学的上网工具 to see Dominic’s publications.
Senior Fellow, Results for Development
Davidson Gwatkin is a Senior Fellow at the Results for Development Institute, and a Senior Associate at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
He serves as an adviser on health and poverty to the World Bank, UNICEF, and other agencies.
From 2000-03, he was the World Bank’s Principal Health and Poverty Specialist. Before joining the Bank, he had directed the International Health Policy Program, a cooperative effort between two American foundations, the World Bank, and the World Health Organizations to strengthen health policy research capacity in Africa and Asia.
He had previously been with the Ford Foundation in New Delhi, New York, and Lagos; and with the Overseas Development Council in Washington, D.C.
Chief Operating Officer
Andrea Sprockett oversees all programmatic and day-to-day operations for Metrics for Management, ensuring a systematic approach to project development, financial and strategic planning, advocacy efforts, and partnership development.
Andrea brings expertise in the management of large cross-cultural teams and community engagement initiatives, having previously served as the Director of Global Health Education at Stanford University and as an analyst of social franchising initiatives and health metric development at the University of California, San Francisco. Additionally, Andrea has worked as a program director for AmeriCorps’ Northeast Ohio Literacy Corps and a project manager for One Planet.
She holds a master’s degree in International Public Health from the University of Sydney, a master’s degree in Translation from Kent State University, and a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and in International Studies from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Director of Research & Technical Assistance
Nirali Chakraborty leads our research and technical assistance activities. She formerly oversaw the quality and dissemination of Population Services International’s reproductive health related research internationally.
Nirali also previously worked as a consultant for the World Bank and Broad Branch Associates, specializing in health systems and performance based financing, and has expertise in quantitative research methods.
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Please click Here to see Nirali’s publications.
Global Health Research Analyst
Karla supports research and technical assistance activities. Drawing on her time with non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and state and federal public health agencies, Karla brings a wide range of experience in research methodology, data collection and analysis.
She has worked previously as an epidemiologist with the Georgia Emerging Infections Program and as a public health microbiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where she specialized in neglected tropical disease elimination programs.
She has also served as the Director of Research for Water Ecuador, an organization devoted to research and advocacy for improved drinking water access in South and Central America. She is a graduate of Towson University and earned her Master’s in Public Health at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA.
Global Health Research Analyst
Karen Chang supports research and technical assistance activities at Metrics for Management.
She is experienced in conducting quantitative research and program evaluation in a variety of topic areas, including newborn health and infectious diseases, specifically in low- and middle-income settings.
She previously served as an Allan Rosenfield Global Health Fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Tanzania, where she coordinated research and evaluation activities in the laboratory and blood safety branches.
Karen earned a Master of Health Science degree in International Health, with a focus on Global Disease Epidemiology and Control, from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and holds a PhD in the same program.
CEO, Pelagius, Inc.
Dr. Hosang is CEO of Pelagius, Inc. and a faculty member at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health.
He has more than 20 years of experience advising many national governments on the design of maternity health services to reduce maternal mortality and improve birth outcomes.
His work as a senior medical group administrator at a Kaiser Permanente (KP) Medical Center in Northern California for 12 years made him extremely familiar hospital operations, including vendor contracting, pharmacy operations oversight, prenatal care protocols, labor ward and operating room management, neonatal services to support high risk obstetrics and the use of the integrated electronic medical record system at Kaiser Permanente.
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He retired from active clinical practice in 2010 to spend more time on public health endeavors.
Independent Consultant; Board Treasurer
Mr. Montagu is an independent consultant and small business owner in Alberta, Canada where he owns land that he leases to an organic beef producer.
He divides his time between Alberta and Montana, and has traveled widely throughout the world.
Mr. Montagu is a board member of the Alchemy Foundation and has spent significant time in Africa to provide oversight of foundation-supported programs.